We have just received a message from the Intelligence Service TARVEL. We have been
informed that Human destiny is in danger and they need people to help them.
Human beings have forgotten the importance of VALUES and everything is in a mess.
Terrible things will happen if we don't do anything.
The six GEMS are the last remains of an omnipotent being and Thanos has them in
his own. We should find them and bring them back to their correct place.
To do that we'll have to train people strong enough to overcome dangers, difficult
situations and challenges to collect them and become a SUPERHERO.
Acabamos de recibir un mensaje del Servicio de Inteligencia TARVEL. Nos han informado que el destino de la Humanidad está en peligro y necesitan ayuda.
Los seres humanos han olvidado la importancia de los VALORES y todo es un caos.
Cosas terribles ocurrirán si no hacemos nada.
Las 6 GEMAS son el último reducto de un ser omnipontete y Thanos las tiene en su poder. Debemos encontrarlas y colocarlas donde deben estar. Para ello, un grupo de personas deberán entrenarse para ser SUPERHÉROES y ser capaces de superar retos, situaciones difíciles y peligros. ¿TE ATREVES?