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Sherlock is a famous British detective who becomes bored if his brain is not active.

He is a thinker and an observer with an incredible ability to deduce lots of things only by watching quietly around him. 



"Oh, do your research. I'm not a hero-I'm a high-functioning sociopath".


But now, the situation is so critical that he is looking for some people to help him solve some enigmatic missions.

Some very well known characters are disappearing and they are no longer part of our lives.

Without them, our lives will be different. They have to be where they always were. Sherlock thinks Moriarty is behind these actions. And while he is trying to find him

someone must bring the characters back to their places.


Can Sherlock rely on you?



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You are not going to work alone. You will work in groups. A famous detective will lead you and give you advice.


You will have to show your abilities to be a good detective. There are three tests.


If you pass your tests, you use the colour of your team and you wear your badge, you'll get three missions.

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